O lendário quinteto de Miles Davis, constituído pelo próprio, e ainda por Wayne Shorter, Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter e Tony Willians em digressão europeia pela Europa durante o ano de 1967, na qual sobressaiu a acuidade melódica dos seus instrumentistas, sendo igualmente de louvar o seu entusiasmo e a sua paixão pelo ritmo, numa rigorosa e quase telepática comunicação musical, assaz reveladora da sua enorme capacidade de improvisação e composição de um consistente e vibrante edifício orquestral, desbravando novos terrenos para o jazz.
«Naturally, it is at the tall end of the arc that one would except to find the music that captured Miles, Wayne, Herbie, Ron and Tony at the top of their game, challenging and supporting each other, taking changes in the performances that most other groups would not dream of doing publicity. The performances on this collection reveal precisely that. During a multiple-week European tour at the close of their last full year together, the group was sporting a fully integrated sound that felt refreshingly modern: spontaneous and unusual yet with the familiar passion for melody and rhythmic excitement that had always been primary elements in all that Miles David touched. That it took place in 1967, a pivotal year on so many levels, had more than a little to do with it»
Michael Cuscuna/Richard Seidel, 2011
Gingerbread Boy (Jimmy Health)